Helping to make your postnatal period a little more ‘do-able’ by providing compassionate care and practical, emotional and informational support.

Hello, I’m Becca, a Postnatal Doula and Breastfeeding Counsellor based near Guildford, where I live with my husband and three children.
I am passionate about providing care in the postnatal period, to support you and enable you to rest and recover from birth and adapt to your life with a new baby. In a time that can sometimes be overwhelming, my role is to nurture you by offering practical help such as caring for your baby and taking care of household chores and cooking so that you can rest. Navigating this change can be overwhelming and having a supportive, non-judgemental listening ear can be a game changer! I can signpost information and resources that are reliable and evidence-based and through my network, I have access to a range of support and services you may find helpful such as postnatal massage, lactation consultants, cranio-osteopaths, and much more! Most importantly, my care is led by you and your needs in that moment or day. I am calm and compassionate, and my support as your doula has no agenda or judgment.
As well as postnatal doula support, I am a qualified Breastfeeding Counsellor and offer specialist infant feeding support. Feeding your baby is a central part of becoming a new parent and when there are problems or questions, it can impact your whole postnatal experience. I support both breastfeeding and bottle-feeding and aim to help alleviate any problems or concerns, provide useful information, and enable you to feel knowledgeable and confident feeding your baby.
I work in Guildford, Godalming, Cranleigh, and surrounding villages and am happy to travel for 30 minutes from GU5.